Thursday, February 12, 2009

Missouri's Fair Share Program

With the economy being as bad as it is, many people are finding it increasingly difficult to pay their child support.

The Missouri Family Support Division has a program called their Fair Share Program to help folks who are finding themselves in this situation. The Division asks folks to ask themselves these questions - and, if the answers are "yes" to contact the Division to ask about participating in the program: (1) Do you have trouble making your child support payments? (2) Are you looking for a job? (3) Do you want to be more involved with your child(ren)? and (4) Are you having trouble making ends meet?

The requirements to participate in the program are: (1) You must be at least 18 years old; (2) You have to live in Missouri; (3) You have to be unemployed or underemployed; (4) You have to be required to pay child support on a child who doesn't live with you and (5) You have to have a case with Child Support Enforcement.

The Fair Share Program is good for families. It helps both parents by helping them address the economic realities they each face.

The contact number for the Family Support Division is 1-800-859-7999

The website address is: